
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Slideshow: Obama Visits Crow Country

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Several thousand people attend the Barack Obama rally in Crow Agency Monday.

By Mary Hudetz | Photos by Casey Kills Pretty Enemy

Sen. Barack Obama, the front-runner in the race for the Democratic
presidential nomination with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, came to Crow
Country Monday, outlining his stance on some of the many issues facing
Native Americans and saying that if elected president he would honor
treaty obligations.

On June 3, Montana and South Dakota Democrats will weigh in on the
race for the Democratic party's nomination and the two states' primaries will mark
the end of the historic 2008 primary season. Obama's visit to
Crow marked the first time a presidential candidate campaigned on the
Crow reservation.

"Few have been ignored by Washington for as long as Native Americans, the first Americans," he said.

The Illinois senator's afternoon rally in Crow Agency was part of
one-day tour through Montana that included stops in Billings where he
held a town hall-style meeting at West High and an evening rally at the
Brick Breeden Fieldhouse. It was Obama's second trip to Montana this
campaign year.

"I'll host an annual summit at the White House with tribal leaders
to come up with an agenda that works for tribal communities because
that's how we'll make sure that you have a seat at the table when
important decisions are being made about your lives, about your nations,
about your people," Obama said to a crowd of several thousand people
spread across the grounds of the Veterans Park in town.

Editor's note: The slideshow above and this website are best viewed with the Firefox Web browser. Click here for a free download.



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