
Monday, April 21, 2008

Tribe Honors Tuff Harris

Tuff_01Story & Photos by Ben Cloud

Apsaalooke tribal members gathered at the multipurpose building on Wednesday, March 12 to honor a dedicated and disciplined Christian man who always excelled athletically and now plays in the National Football League.

Chester David “Tuff” Harris, an enrolled member of the Apsaalooke Nation and a player for the Miami Dolphins, has accomplished just about everything he has set out to do in education and athletics. In addition to his accomplishments, Harris is now giving back to his tribe by spending part of the off-season talking to and sharing his experiences with the youth on the Crow and Northern Cheyenne reservations.

With family, friends, clan uncles and Apsaalooke government officials in attendance, Harris was brought into the building in a traditional ceremony with his uncles from the Greasy Mouth clan singing their clan song. After entering the building, Tribal Chairman Carl Venne and other officials gave Harris gifts for his accomplishments.

“Recognizing Tuff’s contributions with his success has been a very good
thing for Native youth and everyone in the tribe is proud of him,”
Venne said.


Secretary Scott Russell said, “Tuff not only is
successful in achieving his goals but he has acquired a degree in
sociology while at U of M in the process, this is a very important
note. He also is one who epitomizes against the norm that Native
athletes cannot get beyond college level.”

Joking with Harris,
Russell said, “I am sorry to inform you, I’m a Bobcat fan. But I
converted from a Chicago Bear fan to a Miami Dolphin fan now.”

shared some of his stories with the crowd about what is like to be in
the NFL and how he got there. He spoke of the importance of his
Christian beliefs, which give him motivation when times get tough.

I was competing for a spot on the team it was very difficult because of
the 100-degree heat as well as the humidity. I never experienced such
conditions. What carried me was that I knew there was a nation of
people behind me and praying for me, “ Harris said. “What I have
achieved is not mine, it belongs to everyone.”

Following the
presentation, school children from Crow Agency Public School performed
a dance and then Harris signed autographs and posed for photos.



  1. Like the photos and inspiring story, great website!

  2. I liked the story too. Good shots! Great writer!

  3. Tuff is on the negotiation list of the Saskatchewan Roughriders of The Canadian Football League. Eric Tillman,GM of of the SK Riders, speaks very highly of Tuff as both a great football player and a quality person. Hopefully someday we will see Tuff in a Rider uniform.

  4. I am related to Chester "Tuff" Harris on the Northern Cheyenne side of his family. The Harris came from my great grandfather who immigrated to the US from England & married a Northern Cheyenne woman. Tuff descends from this pair, as well. I believe he is as much Cheyenne as Crow.
    He is an inspiration to the young people who need a role model.

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