
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hardin Halls Decked in Native Designs

By June Gregory
2nd grade teacher, Hardin Primary School

My second grade class recently did some fun and educational projects related to the Crow tribe.  First, each child found and plotted each reservation in Montana.  Of course, the class was the most excited and interested in the Crow Reservation! 

Next each child made a Crow tribal flag. As we colored each part we discussed what it represented.  Then we cut out the circular part in the middle and mounted it on royal blue.  Finally, the children trimmed their flags with gold glitter.  The flags looked beautiful displayed in the hall and classroom.

The last project was spurred by receiving "Honor the Circle" wristbands
from our behaviorist, Mrs. Bauman.   The first day we discussed what
that meant and what each of the four different colors stood for. The
"Honor the Circle" theme is based on the historic Native American
medicine wheel with four colors representing the unity of:
* All races: white, yellow, red, black
* All stages of life: birth, childhood and adolescence, adulthood, old age and death
*All directions: north, east, south, west

This theme teaches children and adults that we all must take
responsibility for our behaviors and decisions. They affect us, others
and future generations. The next day we discussed what we could do to
honor the circle. 
child received a round piece of paper and wrote about what they were
going to do to honor the circle.  These were bound together into a
class book.
Later, one of my boys acted inappropriately.  Mrs.
Bauman took him to our book hanging up in the hall and explained how
that was not honoring the circle. He said, "I'm never going to do that
All the children's work was displayed in the hall for all to see.


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