Parade participants ride through Crow Agency Friday, Sept. 21, the last day of Native American week for local schools. Photo by Tyler Wilson |
A parade finished off Native American week in Crow Agency last month, featuring very little children on very big horses, about a dozen floats, and plenty of candy to go around.
Just about every age group was represented. Every elementary grade had a float, and even the kids from Song Bird Day Care were smiling and waving to the sparse crowd.
Gene Grose, principal at Crow Agency Public School, estimated that 200 children took part. “It's a fun day for us,” Grose said.
Small children weren't the only ones throwing candy. Little Big Horn College fielded floats from Rodeo Club, Indian Club, as well as the student council.
Dressed in traditional garb, Robert Hugs, vice president of the federal education program TRIO, chose the parade over an exam. “I was taking a test, and they said come ride in the float.”
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Linda McCulloch also put in an appearance, campaigning from the back of a truck. On a week-long tour that included stops in Lame Deer and Billings, she also visited the elementary school to meet with Principal Grose.
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